Kekri and reflections on tradition

Last week, I had a very small, almost unspectacular, Kekri celebration. Kekri is the harvest festival, end of the year essentially, in Finland. The name itself comes from “kekra” or cycle. When the harvest ends, you prepare for winter (a kind of “dead” time), before the year begins again...

Hi. I’m a witch.

This is not news, me being a witch. It wasn’t something I proclaimed everywhere, but it was not a secret. As I’ve been delving deeper into my craft — for that is what being a witch is, it’s a practice, not a religion or singular belief system — I’ve...

When the music goes away

There was a time when my life was filled with music. It was just a constant and integrated part of the daily flow. It was part of the texture, what gave the weave its color and flow. Now when I look around… All I hear is noise. At some...

And again.

The golden age of blogging is long over. It’s nothing surprising. If you want updates about anyone, you could get everything from any number of social media. Whether people stopped reading, or we all just stopped writing… blogging just fell by the wayside for so many of us. I...

On being agender

Coming out as agender has been a sort of homecoming… Growing up, I got called “tom boy” because I didn’t fit the easy box of what a girl was told to be. It wasn’t that I was opposed to “girlie” things, but they also didn’t fit me. When I...

On acceptance

Sometimes, I talk a big game. Especially about precarity. I am be very familiar with it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I want a precarious life. Things that I am working on accepting: That I won’t be leaving this state this year. Or maybe next even.Which means I will...

Too good to use

Perfectionism — or even just the rose tinted, seeing the greener grass on social media — can set the ball rolling to have you questioning what you’re even doing… Are you even good enough to be here? To have your voice heard? To have a seat at the table?...

On motherhood

Mother’s Day hasn’t always been challenging for me. No, that’s been a more recent development over the years. I love my mom. We have an amazing relationship, even if don’t see eye-to-eye on some things (including me being public with how I identity, but that’s a conversation for another...

Start again.

I’m not a stranger to blogging. I started my first blog in 2002, back on Livejournal. From there, it wasn’t too long before I jumped into the world of self-hosted blogs, and joining a massive community of 20-something year old bloggers. I met a lot of amazing people there...